I was in a cold place with cold people gathered. Then, suddenly, this boy standing next to me got a really small tin whistle from his backpack and started to play. I was mesmerized and got my tin whistle (normal sizer) too to join him in the playing. We spent hours playing tunes and having loads of fun. His tin whistle was shiny golden!
Back to my school / Hyeronimutrek•
I was back to my school to look for someone I don‘t exactly know who was. My friends were there as well, and we were all wearing uniforms. I remember stopping everyone I knew and insisting on saying "that‘s so strange to be here again with you all...", and people only smiled back. I was walking and listening to my iPod and only unknown songs were played. Suddenly I saw Marcus and Pablo, and the song changed to Tchaikovsky‘s Violin Concerto in D, Op. 35! All the school could listen to it, I was kind of embarrassed but at the same time I was enjoying the song, playing with fingers in the air. I had a little chat with the boys, and then I started to walk back to the school‘s main door.
Cycle, Home, Danger / Hyeronimutrek•
I was in somebody‘s house with Aline, Isa and an unknown little boy. We were watching through the big window a team cycling competition that was happening down on the street. We were cheering for the teams, even though we didn‘t know any of them. The little boy decided to sit on the outer part of the window, and we started to yell at him "you can‘t do it, it‘s dangerous" and he didn‘t care. Then, suddenly the night came, the competition was finished, the blue ones won. The boy‘s father appeared and was talking to us and the boy insisted on sitting on the high window. The father went furious, climbed the window and decided to stand up on the outer side (flying?) of the window and put the boy sitting there, yelling at him and trying to make him feel really affraid. The boy seemed to ignore it.
Evil and Good / Hyeronimutrek•
A golden shiny lion fighting a dark-blue big panther with ray beams flying going up and down over a dark sea in a dark dark night. The lion says something about having his daughter being conducted to the evil in a not coming back path... the panther only laughs and attacks. The Good and the Evil fighting on a never-ending struggle.