
aisling . dream . rêve . sogno . sonho . sueño . traum . śnić
Drömma Dreaming Logger — Coleção de Sonhos — Sonhário
accident at swimming pool / Barnebhuah

I was at swimming pool. I was swimming and swimming- as else people. Where i finished, i saw, that in pool is only one girl. She was swimming so fast, and light, just as dolphin, was so pretty. She started diving, and the swimming pool was so deep. She saw me, came to me, out of water. Her face was so pretty. She started kissing me, and pull me by her mouths (kissing) to water. When she was on edge of swimming pool, and made last step back (to water), i saw that so deep swimming pool is without water, is totally empty. She falled to bottom of pool. When i went to her, she was died.
I woke up with a tears...