
aisling . dream . rêve . sogno . sonho . sueño . traum . śnić
Drömma Dreaming Logger — Coleção de Sonhos — Sonhário
Kafkas Comet / IM

had this weirdo dream, set in a futuristic 1984-esque society, the whole thing apparently took place in the neighbourhood where my dream self lived.

time, clearly before sunrise, still dark a bit cold and I had to get from one place to another crossing and hopping between house to house.. as I did this I had fleetingly short moments where I met people close to me for short periods of time. gave them a hug, held their hand and went off again. each one of them wished me well.

at points during the journey I had to rest, pass through underground train stations, wait a little, hop on hop off.. the pace was somewhat relentless and I kept running and jumping, between houses, the scenery was recycled from other dreams Ive had, suburban american type houses with well kept lawns and fine mists of water from sprinklers.

anyhow I somehow landed near a house, close to my destination, a car chase was in progress, a car sped by,

I decided to lay on the grass and wait before carrying on, a car went by, some dogs yelped, and some 1984 style thought police wearing grey uniforms with muted red bandana's
stepped out and approached me speaking to me in a questioning tone, all the while I knew what was going to happen, Id been following a trail of 20-30 small comets in the sky, i looked up, and they suddenly tore up the night sky. warmth permeated the sky and surroundings, and that was the end of the dream.