I have a friend who I havent seen for a couple of years, needless to mention unike myself hes very very rich, but in this dream he'd grown absolutely filthy rich- mansions,palaces, expensive cars.. and wait.. RIDICULOUSLY extravagant, stupefyingly expensive jewellery. So there he was telling me about his gold/diamond encrusted knuckle duster style ring and how it was worth more than such-an-such a celebrity's jewellery when we heard on the news that a revolution had started in the country and my friend had been named as one of the rich people who led the country to ruin.
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anyhow jump cut to a car chase through various neighbourhoods,one of those neighbourhoods stood out as being somewhere near the place where I currently work, in the dream it was a a hangout for male prostitutes and transvestites. So we lost the cars we were being chased by, and headed to a dis-used garage, just outside this large garage/hangar was a great big courtyard which looked like the docks in Half-life 2.
our getaway car was stationary outside the garage, when men dressed in ninja style black outfits and wierd looking machine guns came out of the garage from behind the oil barrells , the empty cars etc.. with their guns pointed straight at our car, that point in the dream was the most vivid I'd ever experienced in a dream for a while, then I woke up.