My mom and I were staying by the beach. We heard there was going to be a Tsunami the next day — and decided to move to a place closer to the sea. I can't tell why but we didn't talk about it. We moved to a little wooden house. When I opened the front doors, the sea was right next to it, and you could jump from the porch into the water. It wasn't really the sea and was more like a lagoon, a Norwegian Fjord, and the water was transparent and crystalline. Suddenly Gael appeared and couldn't believe his eyes; he told me that we should go for a swim. We went. I ignored the fact that I had my wallet and my phone in my pocket. They got soaked, so I just threw them away. It was so lovely. We were swimming for a while. When we came back in, my mom was already arranging her bedroom and asked what we would eat before the Tsunami hit us.